The Dominican Tobacco
The Dominican Republic is the leading country worldwide when it comes to tobacco cultivation. Its cigars are the most popular in the United States, one of the most tobacco-loving countries in the world. They have recently been able to overtake their direct rival, the Havana cigar, as the world’s most popular tobacco
The major qualities of a good cigar are: combustibility, texture, taste, elasticity, smell, colour and a good balance balance between nicotines and oils. Dominican cigars excel in all of these characteristics, as well as having a specific character and quality which only expert smokers are able to appreciate.
According to the International Tobacco Growers’ Association, they have already conquered 60% of the North American tobacco market. At the same time, the whole of Europa as well as most African and Asian countries, including China, are faithful clients of the Dominican tobacco market.
Tobacco was cultivated and grown for thousands of years, in addition to smoking by the indigenous population of the island, they were called the Tainos. Also, as in Cuba, Hispaniola was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492.
The native Arawak Indians, like their Taino cousins, already cultivated and smoked tobacco centuries ago.
Spain, its colonial power until 1821, was not interested in its leaves concentrating all its efforts in developing the tobacco trade with Cuba. In fact, Dominican tobacco received very little attention until the early twentieth century, when Cuban seeds were incorporated for the first time, plantations multiplied throughout the island but were mainly in Europe and the United States to make second-class machine cigarettes.
The history of tobacco in the Dominican Republic is much earlier than that of other sources of quality tobacco.